
The Mother House acts as a home for pioneers & projects across the North East. Some of the people and projects are already working outside the normal reach of church whilst numerous pioneers & missioners are endeavouring to plant new expressions of church in different contexts. The Mother House will continue to provide a home for pioneers, spiritual innovators, entrepreneurs, servants and leaders.

The Mother House is a thin place in which the Spirit draws near and allows us to glimpse the kingdom at work in the world. It is a breeding ground for spiritual innovators, entrepreneurs, servants and leaders. It is home.
Meet those who help facilitate and lead The Mother House

Elaine Lindridge

Mother House Lead

Tracey Hume


Rob Wylie


David Wynd


The Mother House didn’t just appear out of nowhere but is the next step on a journey that started in the early 2000’s.  In 2009 The Methodist Church began a project called Venture FX which over a five year period looked to pioneer new faith communities in twenty locations across the UK.  As part of this project Pioneer Hubs sprung up in various places as places of support and encouragement for those who found them selves in pioneering work.